For everyone reading this around the globe aka my family, friends and old co-workers, I'm sorry to have kept you waiting for further updates! Things the past two weeks have been rather hectic and crazy. This post is going to do a little 'catch-up' on information.
My roommate, Lillie, and I are dressed to impress! |
First, following my grand arrival in Southeast Asia I realized I was in for a heck of a lot more than what I had previously bargained. Everyone has those moments of desperation while starting something new where the only thoughts entertained are things along the lines of 'is it time to go home yet?' etc. I have quickly realized that I have to learn the language. Asap. I knew this, but have put it off in hopes of figuring out just which language is most useful. Telugu is the foremost language in the city, with English and Hindi. However, Telugu is not a useful language to me following this fellowship. It's kind of like how I learned so much Kinyarwanda last year, only to have lost all my skills after leaving Rwanda. I have entertained the idea of learning Hindi, but have continuously questioned its use to me after this year if I decide not to work exclusively in India. I would like my language choice to help provide me with a marketable skill so that my big-kid job following grad school will possibly 1. pay more and 2. be more exciting. After talking to my school owner (more on this in a minute) I realized another popular language among the Muslim community in Hyderabad is Urdu. This language is also spoken elsewhere, particularly in Pakistan. Job searching with a not-so-common language fluency that is related to a highly sensitive area for the government could help me out later on! Urdu is actually a language closely related to Hindi. Because of this, many people have said Hindi should be the way to go. I have been trying to find an Urdu/English translation book in the city, but no luck thus far. Also, finding a tutor has been hard since most people learn Urdu through their family and religious center. I haven't made up my mind yet, but hopefully after meeting with my school I can clarify my options. I believe Urdu is widely spoken by teachers and students.

Moving on to my school: Mohammed Memorial Educational Society. I met my school owner the other day, Mr. Mustaq, and am very excited to begin work! I was supposed to meet with him at the school this past Monday but once again the IDEX schedule changed. Surprised? Not really. I was then supposed to go this past Wednesday, but I had a lovely visit planned to the FRRO (Foreign Regional Registration Office) so I could register as a foreign resident. Thursday was out since Mr. Mustaq was away from the school, and although I am supposed to go tomorrow I'm not sure if that will work either because our IDEX meeting is supposedly extremely important tomorrow. Either way, Mr. Mustaq gave me the directions by bus for the school so I'm excited to try that out instead of taking those awful auto rickshaws! We'll see if I ever actually get there.... But during our very brief meeting, Mr. Mustaq and I quickly discussed a few ideas for this year. I can't wait to bring back the books and Leappad Learning systems for the new library! Also, he seemed thrilled at the idea of pairing his school with more outside organizations since it would provide services at little-to-no cost for him/the school. Overall, I know it is going to be a tough year; but I cannot wait to begin working on a legitimate schedule that will allow me the freedom to truly impact Mohammed Memorial.
p.s. It is located on Dairy Farm Road..... I feel like smelly cows will be surrounding the neighborhood. Goodness I hope not!
Britney Spears sing-a-long? |
I'm trying to think of other exciting things that have occurred the past two weeks. Like I mentioned, yesterday I went to the FRRO and have officially been deemed worthy of Indian residency! Seemed a little redundant considering all of the papers submitted had already been turned into the Indian government in my application for a visa.... oh well. It didn't take long at all! Other fellows' did, but I guess I was lucky. Other fun things include meeting all of the other fellows, parts of our training, and exploring the city. Our group went to a karaoke bar one night which was really fun! All of us blonde fellows thought it would be hilarious to sing Britney Spears, but unfortunately the DJ never called our turn. Probably a good thing! A weird thing here though, every place closes extremely early. Like 11:30pm. All of my sorority sisters in Cape Girardeau are probably having small heart attacks just imagining a bar closing at that time! Another interesting thing is that some of the 'hip' places are Hard Rock Cafe and TGIFriday's. 'Merica! haha I couldn't believe it!
Old City |
Inside the Charminar |
I have also been sick. I don't think it was from food or water. I was getting a lot of mosquito bites and decided to spray DEET bug spray.... unfortunately the humidity had me sweating like a sinner in church, so the DEET was everywhere (even my face and hands). I'm betting that I ingested some because I was throwing up for 2-3 days following the day I sprayed myself. It may have been something else, but my bet is on the bug spray. I actually missed the Heritage Walk through the old city, the Charminar, and breakfast at the palace. Ugh. I made it to the meeting spot, but after throwing up that morning's water and banana next to the bus stop.... I figured it was time to go home. I paid a bit more with an auto to get home, and then tipped him an extra ten rupees because he stopped halfway through so I could throw up. So glad to have had a nice/semi-understanding auto driver for once.
My eye after the swelling began to go down.... |
&& on top of being sick, one day recently I woke up and my right eye was swollen shut. We think maybe some kind of bite or allergic reaction? Good news: it went away after a few rounds of benadryl and eye drops. Bad news: I looked hilariously stupid.
Birthday girl, Mariam! |

What have I learned? People here are actually really friendly. It took me a bit to appreciate this, but I'm starting to understand. Sometimes the staring really is uncomfortable, but realizing the men do not have x-ray vision helps to ease my mind. When I (or my silly auto drivers) need directions, asking anyone on the street is a quick and (usually) easy way to get from point A to point B. Also, it is really fun to have women in saris and in burquas come up to me asking me random questions, usually out of both curiosity and their perpetual need to practice their English. Another nice gesture? Random people wanting to have us over for dinner. We met a lovely mother and daughter from Chile at the vegetable market who are here teaching. We went to their house a few days later to break the fast (Ramzan is currently happening! Happy fasting!). It was also her daughter's birthday, so we ate dinner with their friends from Sudan, Yemen, and Saudi Arabia. It was a nice night ending with cake and a fun game of Uno. Yes, I did win once!

Another day I will devote a post to all of the fun places to shop and all the 'cool' things I've bought to make living here easier. For example, the picture wall I've made above my too cool for school sheet set from Big Bazaar India? That's making my life easier!

Maybe I'll also remember some more interesting stories from the past two weeks.... I know there are a lot more! But to leave you all with a fun little laugh: I saw this sign on the way home from the FRRO.... GENIUS COLLEGE! They sure have set the bar high for themselves....
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