Saturday, May 19, 2012

Life Changes

"In a chronically leaking boat, energy devoted to changing vessels is more productive than energy devoted to patching leaks."  - Warren Buffet

Fortunately, I've decided to stop fixing leaks and start bailing myself onto another boat.

I've been counting down my life without realizing what I was looking forward to exactly.  The school year has ended, and I am officially a college graduate.  I am moving out of my apartment in less than two weeks.  I leave for India in T-53 days.  And then there was the countdown to law school and the LSAT.  The two things that I have completely dreaded for the past few months is where I am going and how I am getting there.  I came to a major decision today.... I will not be attending law school next fall.  Instead, I will attend graduate school to earn my Master's next fall.  I will still study international human rights, but plan to do so in a different capacity than I previously expected.  Although a big change, I am extremely excited for it.  While looking over courses today I actually smiled.  I smiled!  I am truly excited for what comes after my job in India.... which now means graduate school. 

I know.... crazy, right?  My parents thought so too.  But then we were able to talk, and discuss how much better this would be for me and my future.  I still want to go to law school later in the future, but not now.  I want to work with international organizations focusing on advocacy and development.  Law school could provide a path to this, but I know that grad school will provide a clearer and better prepared future.  It was a tough decision and one that I have mulled over for some time.  I kept it pretty much to myself, never allowing the idea to cross too far into my thoughts.  I thought of how silly it would be to throw away all of the plans I had made and to ignore the years of LSAT study, but I know none of it was in vain.  My plans post-study are the same; it is just that my path to getting to that point has changed.

I'm so thankful for all of the support I've gotten from my family, and especially my friends who are in/going to/graduated from grad school who have given me so much great advice.  I'm still getting things together, but I've looked at some great schools and deciding on GRE test dates.  Luckily for me, if I decide to not take it before I leave I can take it in Hyderabad.  Fortunately, the GRE is a year-round test with a computer format and a quick turnaround time so I have plenty of flexibility.  Best news yet?  More time before I leave to spend with my family and friends, as well as prepare for my year in India.

Enough for now.... I'm headed to bed.  Early morning of baking and rummage sales in the morning!      


1 comment:

  1. I'm very proud of you, Brittany! I know this was a tough decision, but you followed your heart. Continue to do that and let God guide you as you have difficult decisions to make. And I am definitely glad for the extra time we will get to spend together before you leave for India this summer!!! I love you, Baby Girl! ~Mom~
